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UDC 640.011.6-021.387

Post-graduate student of the Department of Economic Theory and Competition Policy
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Ukraine, 02156, Kyiv, Kyoto str., 19

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Background. At present, the issues of functioning and development of the household sector are not sufficiently studied in the economic literature.Insufficiently investigated institutional aspects of households’ livelihoods and their potential in ensuring the resilienceof the national economy.
The aimof the study is to assess the level of resilienceof the household sector and the analysis of institutional support that will justify ways to increase its level of resilience.
Materials and methods. Theoretical and methodological basis of the research is general scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge, the application of which allowed to achieve the set goal.
Research. In the analysis of the resiliencelevel of the household sector, seven indicators will be calculated: final consumer expenditure of households to GDP, share of household loans in gross gross loans, share of households in gross value added, share of households’ disposable income in gross disposable income, housing availability ratio, costs households in the final consumption per capita, the ratio of loans and loans to residential real estate households to total gross loans.The level of resiliencein the household sector is unsatisfactory. Only 2 indicators out of 7 corresponded to the threshold in 2008-2017.An analysis of institutional support for the resilience of the household sector shows that such problems exist as: ineffective government bodies in the conditions of socioeconomic instability; lack of coordination between centers of functional responsibility between state institutions and institutions for ensuring the resilience of the household sector; the imperfection of some legislative acts that are not optimal for a significant share of the household sector.
Conclusion. On the basis of the conducted research it will be advisable to propose ways to increase the level of resilienceof the household sector, which the state must ensure: increase the size of the untaxed minimum income of the Gromadians; introduction of optimal trafficking codes;establishment of reasonable grounds for tax deductions;to provide state support to mortgage lending for the population;reform of the social protection system.

Keywords: household sector, resilienceof the household sector, institutional provision, shock influences.national economy.


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